Feeling the pressure?

Here’s just a selection of the rich resources we have to help you look after your health and wellbeing, whether you’re working, on clinical placement or a student.

Explore our full range via our website: https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/library/

NHS OpenAthens password required; register here: http://openathens.nice.org.uk/




Skovholt, T M   The resilient practitioner: burnout and compassion fatigue prevention and self-care strategies for the helping professions    3rd edition, 2016




Clouston, T J   Challenging stress, burnout and rust-out: finding balance in busy lives





Baim, C  Mindful co-working: be confident, happy and productive in your working relationships. 2014




Malinowski, A J    Self-care for the mental health practitioner: the theory, research and practice of preventing and addressing the occupational hazards of the profession. 2014





Figley, C R.   First do no self-harm: understanding and promoting physician stress resilience     2013




Dewe, P Well-being and work: towards a balanced agenda  2012





Allende E One thought to be taken once a day: 366 well-being thoughts for health professionals. 2012



Journals  (NHS OpenAthens password required)

Applied psychology


Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being


Stress and health


Stress and Health



Evidence searches carried out on Staff Wellbeing

  • Monitors to monitor stress in staff during work
  • PCT websites providing information on workplace health and wellbeing
  • Compassion fatigue, cummulative stress, vicarious trauma or burnout in NHS/health staff
  • Recognizing staff burnout and work related stress – key measures that are sensitive for mental health
  • Benefits of mindfulness for NHS staff.
  • Stress related difficulties in the NHS
  • Information on burn out and stress in NHS staff and counselling/ psychotherapeutic support for multi professionals in the NHS

Web and other resources

HELP – Health, Employee Learning and Psychotherapy services

The Health Employee Learning and Psychotherapy (HELP) service provides BSUH staff with confidential support, counselling and psychotherapy for a range of issues. Sometimes work related- from stress management to relational issues, employment difficulties or following critical/ traumatic events, to personal issues that may be affecting the individual.

NHS Employers Health and wellbeing

NHS Employers help employers make sense of current and emerging healthcare issues. They provide up to date information on the latest workforce thinking and expert opinion, with practical advice and information, and generating opportunities to network and share knowledge and best practice. NHS Employers aims to provide advice to improve the working lives of staff and provide high-quality care for patients.

Work and Wellbeing in the NHS

This 2015 report by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), entitled Work and wellbeing in the NHS: why staff health matters to patient care, sets out why it is in the best interests of both patients and NHS organisations for the health, wellbeing and engagement of the NHS workforce to be prioritised.

New look for ‘BMJ Best Practice’

Take a look at BMJ Best Practice – the point of care decision support tool – available with an OpenAthens password to staff at BSUH and Brighton and Hove GP practices/CCG.

BMJ Best practice app

It has a new look with improved diagnosis and treatment tables and algorithms, videos of clinical procedures, medical calculators, patient information leaflets and the latest evidence from Cochrane Clinical Answers.  All this, plus the App that can be used offline.

For further information contact library services

Reaching out to Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust staff


Amy Dunn is our Mental Health Specialist Librarian and provides Library & Knowledge Services to Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust staff.  Although based at the Mill View Hospital Library in Hove, she takes every opportunity to meet with them and support their learning and development events, such as the one below:


“On November 1st I took a stack of library leaflets and other goodies to hand out at Sussex Partnership’s Autumn Learning Event held at Sussex University’s Falmer campus. It was great to see so many people attending this event, reflective of the trust’s commitment to learning, and I spoke to as many of them as I could manage during the coffee and lunch breaks.

“Every single person I spoke to was an enthusiastic library user, which was nice to hear! One person told me how she’d set up a system to share the information updates the Library & Knowledge Service sent to her with the rest of her team, another told me how he’d persuaded his manager to change the way his team carried out a process by drawing on evidence that we’d provided, and others said the evidence searching teaching they’d had from library staff was invaluable to them.

“I took the opportunity to ask each person I spoke to the question: ‘how can we best reach your non-library using colleagues and tell them about the services we provide?’

“Everybody generously took the time to give really thoughtful and helpful responses to my question, and I came away with details of meetings, events, and a list of contacts to follow up. This will keep me busy for a while!”

Contact Amy for more information on our services, or to arrange a visit to your team:  amy.dunn@bsuh.nhs.uk


All change at Brighton & Sussex Medical School!

Last week we bid a fond farewell to Jil, our Medical School Librarian and Technology-Enhanced Learning Lead. This week, we’re delighted to welcome Lisa McLaren who has taken on the role.

Lisa has beenLisa working alongside Jil for the past month as part of the handover so many of you will have already met her at the University and RSCH library sites, but below is a little more about her role and her background, in Lisa’s own words:


“As Medical School Librarian, my job is quite wide ranging! From teaching all types of students about lit searching and academic skills to managing the resources, attending curriculum management boards and working on technology enhanced learning (TEL) projects, no two days are ever the same. I really enjoy being student facing again and TEL has always been a real passion of mine.

“I’ve got a varied background and have spent the last 12 years building a portfolio career, with posts in the NHS, Higher Education, Public and Special Libraries. I’ve managed some libraries, worked as a Health librarian and even taken the odd rhyme time session.

“In my spare time, I enjoy eating cake, making myself look like an eejit at Zumba classes, pretending to train for triathlons and watching 20 minutes of a movie before either falling asleep or being asked to feed someone.”