Topol review: making the NHS ready for the digital revolution

The Topol review was launched at 3pm on Monday 11th February. Commissioned by the Secretary of State, the review was led by cardiologist, geneticist, and digital medicine researcher Dr Eric Topol, and supported by our fellow librarians at Surrey and Sussex Library & Knowledge Services who provided the necessary evidence searches to support the review.

The review sets out what is necessary to enable NHS staff to make the most of innovative technologies such as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence and robotics. Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust is cited as an example of a significant improvement in telemedicine for patient care for its virtual fracture clinic, the development of which was informed by an evidence search carried out by one of our librarians. 

It is significant that the report also calls for better knowledge management in the NHS,to enable the spread and adoption of innovation, and for increased numbers of knowledge specialists, or librarians, to use the old-fashioned term.

Download the report

For further reading:

Topol EJ. High-performance medicine: the convergence of human and artificial
intelligence. Nat Med. 2019 Jan;25(1):44-56. doi: 10.1038/s41591-018-0300-7

Sign up to KnowledgeShare for alerts on the topics covered in the report: login to KnowledgeShare with your NHS OpenAthens username and password, and edit your professional interests. You can choose from terms such as Digital Medicine and Robotics and Artificial Intelligence to be kept up to date with new evidence in these areas

Speed up your access to evidence!

The Library and Knowledge Service offers a variety of services to help implement evidence in practice.

  • We find evidence to answer your specific clinical or managerial questions.
  • We run teaching to refresh your skills in finding, evaluating and managing healthcare research.
  • We send you short updates on the latest publications in your field.

Now all of these services can be accessed more easily via our KnowledgeShare website.   Logging in allows you to update your professional interests and receive email updates on the latest research, request an evidence search, see previous search requests, book onto or cancel attendance at teaching, and download certificates of attendance.

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You can also connect with other members of KnowledgeShare across the country to collaborate and share knowledge.

KnowledgeShareLog in at with an NHS OpenAthens password (register first if you don’t have one already) or contact us to find out more.

KnowledgeShare featured in Information Professional


The KnowledgeShare service developed by Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service is featured in the latest issue of Information Professional, the professional journal of CILIP, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.

KnowledgeShare provides NHS staff with tailored evidence updates. Staff can also request or review evidence searches they have requested and book onto teaching sessions.

The article tells the story of KnowledgeShare, from a service developed in 1999 to serve Brighton and Sussex’s local healthcare population, to an online service used by 82 NHS library and knowledge services around NHS England, serving over 200 NHS organisations. There are two case studies, from Tom Roper, one of our clinical librarians, and Stephen Ayre, Library Services Manager at George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton. The article also outlines future developments, including expansion into knowledge management and exchange through networking and communities of practice.


How we take care of your data

GDPR logo

At last the avalanche of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) emails has slowed to a trickle!  As you will know all too well, every organisation in the UK has been required to review how they process and make use of the information that they hold about their users.  We have done the same and here we will briefly explain where you can go for more information if you need it.

The Library and Knowledge Service uses two systems to store information about our members.  The first is our library management system, which allows members to find books and journals, and to borrow, renew and reserve items from our stock.  You can view the information we hold on you in this system by using your library membership ID (on your membership card) and a PIN that we provide separately.  If you do not know your PIN you can request it from

We have updated our Privacy Policy for the library management system, which you can find on our website.

KS logoThe second system that we use is KnowledgeShare, which provides you with personalised evidence updates about new publications in your field and helps us to manage requests for in-depth evidence searches and information skills teaching.  Those of you with an OpenAthens account will be able to log in to KnowledgeShare to check and update the details we hold about you.  If you aren’t able to access the system just drop us an email.

KnowledgeShare also aims to facilitate networking and communities of practice within the NHS in order to avoid us all reinventing the wheel.  For this reason we ask whether you would be happy to make your contact information available to other NHS staff, but we won’t share anything without your permission.

If your information is on KnowledgeShare then we will email you once a year to remind you and ask whether anything has changed (or if you’d like to be unsubscribed).

We have updated our Privacy Policy for KnowledgeShare, which you can find on the site.

If you would like to discuss this further, please contact, Head of Library & Knowledge Service.

It’s #learningatworkweek 14 –18 May 2018!


Develop your skills while you work, using the learning opportunities offered by your Library and Knowledge Service.


Join us in learning brand new skills or refreshing your existing ones…from finding quality health information and critically appraising the findings to getting the most out of social media and using technologies in your own teaching.

Sessions take place in our libraries on all sites – book your place at and bring your colleagues!

Save yourselKnowledgeSharef time and ensure you are up-to-date on the latest developments in health care by signing up to KnowledgeShare, our current awareness service which is tailored to your interests and emailed to you at intervals of your choosing. It also links you with colleagues in other trusts to enable sharing of research and best practice.

Register for an NHS OpenAthens password to benefit from the online information tools we provide, ranging from point of care decision support, medicines information, health journals and statistics to clinical images, exam preparation and information to give to your patients.

Montage books journals online  Online resources montage

Explore the full range on our website.

Remember we offer great opportunities throughout the year to help you enrich your knowledge.  Contact us for more information.

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Working with SPFT CAGs

Over the last few years Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has introduced Trust-wide Clinical Academic Groups (CAGs) to evaluate and inform evidence-based practice.

There are CAGs for Psychosis, Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Complex Emotional Difficulties (personality disorders), Later Life and Dementia, Children and Young People, Learning Disabilities and Neurobehavioural Disorders, and Forensic Health.

The CAGs are responsible for ensuring that staff know the most effective interventions and approaches for people with particular needs, and that clear information is provided to patients and families about what they can expect from care services.

Our Mental Health Specialist Librarian, Amy Dunn, regularly attends CAG meetings to help ensure evidence-based improvement in care delivery services. We provide the CAGs with updates on library resources, ensure that CAG members receive etocs (electronic tables of content) and evidence updates via KnowledgeShare, and carry out evidence searches to help inform what ‘standard care’ within the Trust should look like. Searches that Amy has carried out for the CAGs include:

  • National drivers and guidance relating to functional mental health in old age
  • The use of enhanced observations in mental health inpatient services
  • Carers’ involvement in forensic mental health services
  • The use of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) in CAMHS services
  • Resilience in informal/family caregivers of people with dementia
  • Social and occupational interventions in Forensic Services

Evidence search collage

To request an evidence search visit

For more information contact Amy

Speed up your access to evidence!

The Library and Knowledge Service offers a variety of services to help implement evidence in practice.

  • We find evidence to answer your specific clinical or managerial questions.
  • We run teaching to refresh your skills in finding, evaluating and managing healthcare research.
  • We send you short updates on the latest publications in your field.

Now all of these services can be accessed more easily via our KnowledgeShare website.

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Logging in allows you to update your professional interests and receive email updates on the latest research, request an evidence search, see previous search requests, book onto or cancel attendance at teaching, and download certificates of attendance.

You can also connect with other members of KnowledgeShare across the country to collaborate and share knowledge.

Log in at with an NHS OpenAthens password (register first if you don’t have one already) or contact us to find out more.

How did we make a difference in 2016-17? Read our latest annual report

The Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service Annual Report for 2016-17 has been published.  It briefly illustrates some of the ways our work has made an impact on patient care, service improvement, study, research and clinical teaching over the last year.

Annual Report 2016-17

The report shows how our services were used in comparison to previous years, with many areas showing increased activity in 2016-17.  In particular, the number of evidence search requests received, the number of teaching sessions run and the number of articles provided on request at short notice all went up this year.

Document Supply ChartTeaching chart

Usage of the online journals and databases that we purchase remained high, with only books (both print and electronic) showing a significant dip in usage.  Full details of activity and resource usage can be found in the report, along with case studies of how we made a difference to local staff and students, and updates on our changing team.

You can also read more about how our two clinical librarians are are contributing to Trust polices, guidelines and workforce planning in an earlier post.


Using KnowledgeShare to improve your access to evidence

The Library and Knowledge Service has a number of ways to help inform your  improvement work, teaching, or research.  We can find the latest evidence to answer a specific clinical or managerial question. We’ll refresh your skills in finding and evaluating research. And we can keep you up-to-date in your field with regular evidence updates.

knowledgeshare-imageNow, all of these services can be accessed through our new KnowledgeShare system.

All you need to log in is an NHS OpenAthens password (available from and if you have used us in the past you may find that you’re already signed up!

Once logged in you can request a search for evidence, view previous search requests, book onto forthcoming teaching, download certificates of attendance, and tell us your professional interests so we can keep you informed.

Find KnowledgeShare at or watch a video explaining more.

Contact Ben Skinner, Head of Library and Knowledge Services, at for more information.